Friday, January 28, 2005


Every member of the Session should attend the monthly meetings. It should be rare that an elder is unable to attend a Session meeting.

Every member of the Session should prepare for every meeting by contributing to and reviewing the agenda prior to the meeting.

There should be a minimum of business that is not on the announced agenda. It is vital that as much information as possible be provided to other elders in order for us to be prepared to vote.

All elders should speak out.

Respect should be given to the committees and ministry teams in that the session should not try to recreate the committee’s entire work. However, committee recommendations should not be automatically adopted without serious consideration.

Respect must be given to all elders. Speak honestly, but in love.

Respect must be given to all session decisions. Even if you did not agree with the vote, you should be able to say, "We voted this way on the session." You should support the session's decisions.

No session meeting should last more than an hour and a half. If it does, it should be because the elders have agreed to continue the meeting. Since our meetings do not begin at a specific time, but begin after a lunch has been served, we should consider 2:00 PM as the limit for most meetings.

Remember your work is primarily that of the spiritual leader. Don't be confused by thinking that the session is a Board of Trustees conducting church administration. There is much business in the session, but our primary task is to be the spiritual leaders of the church.


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