Monday, January 31, 2005


Sunday, January 30, 2005


Our Book of Order says that the elders must:
§ be persons of faith
§ have dedication
§ show good judgment
§ live a manner of life that demonstrates the Christian Gospel to all
§ live either in fidelity within the covenant of marriage between a man and a woman, or chastity in singleness. Persons refusing to repent of any self-acknowledged practice which the confessions call sin shall not be ordained and/or installed as deacons, elders, or ministers of the Word and Sacrament.

The Book of Order says the duties of the elders are to:
§ strengthen and nurture the faith and life of the congregation
§ encourage the people in worship and service of God
§ equip and renew the people for their tasks within the Church
§ equip and renew the people for their mission in the world
§ visit and comfort and care for the people
§ give specific attention to the poor, the sick, the lonely, and those who are oppressed
§ inform the pastor of those people needing visits, attention, or care
§ inform the pastor of those structures in the church needing attention
§ cultivate an ability to teach the Bible

The Book of Order indicates that an elder may also serve the Session by
§ serving as a Clerk of Session
§ serving as a voting Commissioner to the Presbytery

An elder is ordained for life, but installed onto the Session for a specific term of up to three years. An elder who is no longer serving on the Session is still an elder, and is properly referred to as “an elder in reserve.” Whether on the Session or not, every elder remains responsible to serving as a spiritual leader of the church.

Saturday, January 29, 2005


The duties of the session are described in chapter 10 of the Book of Order. How sessions meet these obligations may change from one church to another. These duties, and how we accomplish them at Good Shepherd, are:

1. Training the members of our church in evangelism is the first specific duty of the Session at Good Shepherd Presbyterian Church. (G-10.0102a)

We do this at the Good Shepherd Presbyterian Church through OUR OUTREACH AND MISSION TEAM and

2. Our Session receives new members (G-10.0102b)

We do this at the Good Shepherd Presbyterian Church through OUR OUTREACH AND MISSION TEAM and as a SESSION

3. Our Session leads the congregation in the mission of the Church by serving in and beyond the congregation. (G-10.0102c, G-10.0102g, G-10.0102j)

We do this at the Good Shepherd Presbyterian Church through OUR OUTREACH AND MISSION TEAM

4. Our Session oversees and provides for worship (G-10.0102d)

We do this at the Good Shepherd Presbyterian Church through OUR WORSHIP TEAM

5. Our Session is responsible for the spiritual life and growth of our members. (G-10.0102e)

We do this at the Good Shepherd Presbyterian Church through OUR DISCIPLESHIP AND SERVICE TEAM

6. The Session teaches and encourages our members to be generous with their time, talent and money. (G-10.0102h)

We do this at the Good Shepherd Presbyterian Church through OUR COMMUNICATION AND RESOURCES TEAM

7. The Session is responsible for the “business” area of the church’s life – the property and the finances. (G-10.0102i, G-10.0102o)

Much of the work in this area is under the care of OUR COMMUNICATION AND RESOURCES TEAM

8. The Session is responsible for maintaining the church’s records (G-10.0102s)

We do this at the Good Shepherd Presbyterian Church through OUR COMMUNICATION AND RESOURCES TEAM

9. The Session is responsible for training and preparing our elders and elders-elect (G-10.0102k)

We do this at the Good Shepherd Presbyterian Church through OUR DISCIPLESHIP AND FELLOWSHIP TEAM

10. Our Session keeps us connected with the rest of the Presbyterian Church, USA (G-10.0102p)

We do this at the Good Shepherd Presbyterian Church through OUR OUTREACH AND MISSION TEAM

11. Ecumenical Relationships start with our Session (G-10.0102q)

We do this at the Good Shepherd Presbyterian Church through OUR OUTREACH AND MISSION TEAM

12. The Session also serves as the Church Court in matters of Discipline (G-10.0102r)

In the Presbyterian Church, most matters of discipline can be addressed informally and pastorally.

13. The Session is in charge of matters personnel, or human resources, of the congregation (G-10.0102n )

We do this at Good Shepherd through OUR PERSONNEL COMMITTEE.

14. The Session also serves as the Board of Deacons (G-6.0402 and 6.0407)

The Book of Order says in G-6.0407: A congregation by a majority vote may elect not to use the office of deacon. In such a case, or in the case where deacons cannot be secured, the function of the office shall always be preserved and shall devolve upon the elders and the session. The Book of Order also says in G-6:0402, that the duties of the deacons are to minister to those who are in need, to the sick, to the friendless, and to any who may be in distress, both within and beyond the congregation.

We do this at the Good Shepherd Presbyterian Church through both the DISCIPLESHIP AND FELLOWSHIP TEAM and the OUTREACH AND MISSION TEAM.

Friday, January 28, 2005


Every member of the Session should attend the monthly meetings. It should be rare that an elder is unable to attend a Session meeting.

Every member of the Session should prepare for every meeting by contributing to and reviewing the agenda prior to the meeting.

There should be a minimum of business that is not on the announced agenda. It is vital that as much information as possible be provided to other elders in order for us to be prepared to vote.

All elders should speak out.

Respect should be given to the committees and ministry teams in that the session should not try to recreate the committee’s entire work. However, committee recommendations should not be automatically adopted without serious consideration.

Respect must be given to all elders. Speak honestly, but in love.

Respect must be given to all session decisions. Even if you did not agree with the vote, you should be able to say, "We voted this way on the session." You should support the session's decisions.

No session meeting should last more than an hour and a half. If it does, it should be because the elders have agreed to continue the meeting. Since our meetings do not begin at a specific time, but begin after a lunch has been served, we should consider 2:00 PM as the limit for most meetings.

Remember your work is primarily that of the spiritual leader. Don't be confused by thinking that the session is a Board of Trustees conducting church administration. There is much business in the session, but our primary task is to be the spiritual leaders of the church.

Wednesday, January 26, 2005


1. KNOW YOUR PARLIAMENTARY PROCEDURE You don't have to be an expert, but you do need to know some basics. The basics are explained elsewhere in this manual.

2. PREPARE FOR THE MEETING One week prior to the meeting you will receive an elder's packet. This packet should contain the agenda, staff reports, committee reports and any other information you will need in order to prepare for the meeting.

3. GET ONTO THE AGENDA Prior to receiving the agenda, send your ministry team or committee report or your individual motions to the Clerk of Session.

4. WAIT YOUR TURN The order of business is determined by the agenda. Don't raise your items of concern while the session is in the middle of discussing something else. We discuss one thing at a time. By doing this, we ensure that everyone will have their turn.

5. SPEAK OUT Ask questions. Give opinions. Share information.

6. VOTE YOUR CONSCIENCE Even if it is obvious that everyone else will vote opposite from your stand, go ahead and vote the way you feel led. Not all decisions have to be unanimous.

7. RESPECT THE MAJORITY RULE If you are on the losing end of a vote, remember that we seek God’s will through Christ’s community of elders. It is the session that makes decisions and we must abide by them. Give your support even when it was not your first choice.

Monday, January 24, 2005


Our sessions operate within a framework of Robert's Rules of Parliamentary Procedure. This helps us to do our business quickly, fairly and orderly.

To make a motion, simply say, "I move that the session..." and then state the action you would like to see the session take. A motion ought to state clearly:
§ what we are doing
§ when we will do it
§ who will be responsible for it
§ how it will be funded, or the limit to which it will be funded.

The motion "I move that we paint the church" may be a much-needed motion, but it leaves so many unanswered questions that the elders will find at their next meeting that nothing has happened. "I move that the Communications and Resources Ministry Team arrange for the church to be painted this month using $300 from the maintenance budget" is a much better motion because it states what we are doing, when it will be done, who will do the work, and how it will be funded.

Every motion needs a second, unless it comes as a committee report. After the motion has been seconded, discussion can follow. Some of the most common results of a motion are
§ approval
§ disapproval
§ amending the motion, so that it changes slightly
§ substituting another motion, so that a completely different course of action is taken
§ tabling the motion
§ committing the matter to a committee for further study

Common mistakes to avoid:
§ Asking questions or discussing the motion when the moderator calls for a second. Solution: Wait for the second and then discuss.
§ Waiting until after the vote has been taken to ask questions or discuss the issue. Solution: Speak out before the vote.
§ Raising a new issue in the middle of a discussion. Solution: Wait until the session completes its discussion on the new youth program before you raise your idea about painting the sanctuary.
§ Being confused about what we are voting on, especially after a lengthy debate. Solution: When the vote is about to take place, ask the Clerk of Session to read the motion.

Thursday, January 20, 2005


It is sometimes difficult to know what the Session must approve, and what can be done by an individual elder or team. What must have Session approval? Here are a few guidelines that might help, but when in doubt present your action as an “information item” so that the elders, if they desire, may take action to approve, disapprove or amend.


  • A slight change or modification of an existing program,
  • or the establishing of a program very similar to existing programs (a minor change of an existing program)
  • promoting a program of the Presbyterian Church, USA,
  • promoting a program of the Presbytery of Greater Atlanta


  • membership changes, including receiving new members, dismissing members, etc.
  • the annual budget
  • policy issues
  • a completely new program unlike any we have been offering
  • any program that will incur costs not included in the current budget
  • any program of a Christian group outside the ministry of the Presbyterian Church, USA, or the Presbytery of Greater Atlanta
  • Special Offerings -- Except for those currently approved by our Session
  • Positional statements – Any statement that will be understood as representing the beliefs or views of Good Shepherd Presbyterian Church.
  • Election of Clerk of Session
  • Election of Treasurer or Presbytery Commissioners
  • Election of elders who will represent the Session at Presbytery is appointed by the Session. (However, if the elected elder cannot serve, the pastors can usually appoint a replacement from among the elders).
  • Approving candidates for and ordaining and installing members as elders onto the session
  • Approval of celebration of Sacraments
  • To call a congregational meeting
  • Curriculum and material for use in church Bible Studies

If the Session has to approve special offerings, what are those offerings the session has already approved?

  • (Helping Hands For Lilburn Co-Op Fund
  • Weekly Missions Offering (designated by the Mission and Outreach Team)
  • MOGS loan program for members
  • One Great Hour of Sharing (Easter)
  • Christmas Joy Gift (Advent)
  • Presbyterian Homes (Mother’s Day)
  • Thornwell Home for Children (Thanksgiving)
  • Presbyterian Disaster Assistance offerings that go to specific disaster relief programs. Session has given approval for the pastor and Mission and Outreach to highlight any of these PDA offerings that would appeal to our members in a special way.
  • Support of any of the approved mission projects of our church, such as Haiti mission trips, Rivers of the World, Mission India, Hispanic Fellowship, etc. These are usually designated at the time of the approval of our annual budget.